Players > Retired > Rashad Anderson
Rashad Anderson
SG - 6'5, 220lbs - 40 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2018 season
  • Birthdate: 11/09/1983
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2006
  • Pre-draft team: Connecticut
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Rashad Anderson

December 30, 2009

- Rashad Anderson

Connecticut guard Rashad Anderson was the second leading scorer in Italy's SerieA last year, averaging 18.2 points per game for Udine. SerieA is the third strongest league in the world, behind only the NBA and the ACB. Yet despite being one of the best scorers in one of the best leagues in the world, Anderson this season finds himself on the bench for a D-League team. Seems like a backwards step, really.

For the Iowa Energy, Anderson is averaging 10.5 points, 3.5 rebounds and 0.6 American assists in 20.3 minutes per game off the bench. The Energy are pretty stacked and have a 10-1 record, but if Anderson came back to the D-League for lesser money thinking it would be the next step to cracking the NBA, then he probably wasn't expecting to be coming off the bench behind Cartier Martin and Pat Carroll.

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