Players > Retired > Herve Lamizana
Herve Lamizana
PF - 6'10, 215lbs - 44 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2018 season
  • Birthdate: 01/22/1981
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2004
  • Pre-draft team: Rutgers
  • Country: Ivory Coast/France
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Herve Lamizana

March 13, 2011

Herve Lamizana - 27 games, 34.3 mpg, 24.4 ppg, 10.4 rpg, 3.2 apg, 1.9 spg, 3.6 bpg, 3.6 TOpg, 41% FG, 25% 3PT, 73% FT

[...] Tianjin paired Benson with Lamizana, the former Rutgers forward who consistent puts up numbers better than a prime Marcus Camby. Lamizana was released towards the very end of the season for what the team believed to be an excessively nonchalant attitude, but not before Lamizana put up some of the best all-around numbers in the nation. He also once cracked the triple double mark, putting up 23 points, 13 rebounds and 10 blocks in a February 18th loss to Liaoning. As far as I could be arsed to look, the only other person who got one this season was Marcus E. Williams, who put up 4 consecutive triple doubles in the last four games of the season. Lamizana led the league in blocks by a huge distance; his 3.6 per game mark was almost double that of the guy in second place, Marcus Haislip.

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April 1, 2010

- Herve Lamizana

The only black guy on this list, Lamizana spent the year in China, which means he was covered in the emphatically unpopular 2010 CBA round-up from a couple of weeks ago. If you can't be bothered to read his entry there, then I implore you to, because it's more interesting than the above. Of all the people this series covers, none have better statlines than Rutgers finest, Herve Lamizana.

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March 7, 2010

- Herve Lamizana: 33.5mpg, 26.1ppg, 10.3rpg, 3.8apg, 3.8fpg, 1.4spg, 0.3bpg, 49% FG, 35% 3PT, 77% FT

Lamizana is an athletic former Rutgers forward, a search for whose name reveals this website as the third result. (Hi Herve.) He left Rutgers in 2004 after averaging 13/8/3 blocks, and used his French passport (he is Malian) to spend a season split between Turkey and Israel. He was then signed by the Sixers for training camp in 2005, but did not make the team, and then split the next three years between Israel, South Korea and China. Last year was split between the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, basketball powerhouses not usually covered on this website for reasons that are hopefully obvious. (I did provide a Twitter accompaniment to a rerun of a Senegal vs Egypt game from the FIBA 2007 African Championships yesterday morning, but it was a one off.) Now back in China, Lamizana is dominating the statlines; his points per game rank 8th in the league, his rebounds not far behind, his points per minute simply amazing, and his blocked shots rank second only to DeAngelo Collins who's not here any more. Lamizana also put up one of the best statlines you'll ever see; on February 10th against Fujian, Lamizana played 49 minutes and recorded 38 points, 19 rebounds, 13 blocks, 6 assists and 3 steals. It's not the best CBA statline of the season - we'll get to that later - but it's sure as hell a beautiful one. That's a man's way to get a triple double, that one.

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