Players > Retired > Amal McCaskill
Amal McCaskill
C - 6'11, 235lbs - 50 years old - 4 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2013 season
  • Birthdate: 10/28/1973
  • Drafted (NBA): 49th pick, 1996
  • Pre-draft team: Marquette
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Amal McCaskill

April 8, 2010

- Amal McCaskill

A-Mac has been doing the D-Lang tour for a while now, and this year's installment of it saw him wind up in South Korea to play for Inchon Black Slamer. (If that's not a sex toy, I'll be shocked.) In 27 minutes of 48 games, the 36 year old McCaskill has averaged 11.9 points and 6.7 rebounds per game, shooting 57% from the field and 73% from the line.

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