Players > Retired > Devin Brown
Devin Brown
SG - 6'5, 210lbs - 46 years old - 8 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2012 season
  • Birthdate: 12/30/1978
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2002
  • Pre-draft team: Texas-San Antonio
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
9th April, 2002USBLDrafted 18th overall in the 2002 USBL Draft by Kansas Cagerz.
14th April, 2002USBLSigned a one year contract with Kansas Cagerz.
17th September, 2002CBADrafted 6th overall in the 2002 CBA Draft by Sioux Falls Skyforce.
30th September, 2002NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with San Antonio.
23rd October, 2002NBAWaived by San Antonio.
31st October, 2002NBDLDrafted 2nd overall in the 2002 NBDL Draft by Fayetteville Patriots.
4th November, 2002NBASigned an unguaranteed minimum salary contract for the remainder of the season with San Antonio.
19th November, 2002NBAWaived by San Antonio.
26th November, 2002NBDLRe-acquired by Fayetteville Patriots.
4th April, 2003NBASigned a 10 day contract with Denver.
30th July, 2003NBASigned a guaranteed two year minimum salary contract with San Antonio. Included team option for 2004/05.
30th June, 2004NBASan Antonio exercised 2004/05 team option.
1st September, 2005NBASigned a two year, $5.1 million offer sheet with Utah.
14th September, 2005NBASan Antonio declined to mach Utah's offer sheet.
12th July, 2006NBATraded by Utah to Golden State, along with Andre Owens and Keith McLeod, in exchange for Derek Fisher.
3rd October, 2006NBAWaived by Utah.
22nd December, 2006NBASigned a guaranteed minimum salary contract for the remainder of the season with New Orleans.
29th September, 2007NBASigned a one year, $1 million contract with Cleveland.
22nd August, 2008NBASigned a guaranteed two year minimum salary contract with New Orleans.
3rd June, 2009NBAExercised 2009/10 player option.
25th January, 2010NBATraded by New Orleans to Chicago in exchange for Aaron Gray.
10th September, 2011PolandSigned a one year contract with Asseco Prokom Gdynia.
27th October, 2011PolandLeft Asseco Prokom Gdynia.
24th January, 2012D-LeagueAcquired by Erie BayHawks.
Career Moves
1998 - 2002UTSA (NCAA)
April 2002 - June 2002Kansas Cagerz (USBL)
September 2002 - October 2002San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
October 2002- November 2002Fayetteville Patriots (NBDL)
November 2002San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
November 2002 - April 2003Fayetteville Patriots (NBDL)
April 2003Denver Nuggets (NBA)
July 2003 - June 2005San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
September 2005 - July 2006Utah Jazz (NBA)
July 2006 - October 2006Golden State Warriors (NBA)
December 2006 - June 2007New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets
September 2007 - June 2008Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA)
August 2008 - January 2010New Orleans Hornets)
January 2010 - June 2010Chicago Bulls (NBA)
September 2011 - October 2011Asseco Prokom Gdynia (Poland)
January 2012 - June 2012Erie BayHawks (D-League)
Articles about Devin Brown

January 5, 2011

Devin Brown - Brown flumped out of the NBA this summer after a poor season split between the Hornets and Bulls. His combined PER of 10.0 does not look good; his PER with Chicago of 0.4 tells an even less flattering tale. The formerly athletic player who used to be able to do everything but shoot, now does nothing but shoot, and yet is not a good shooter. Having turned 32 last week, the athleticism won't be returning. An NBA redux looks unlikely.

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July 30, 2010

Devin Brown - Bulls fans love to daydream about the prospect of Tracy McGrady returning to his 2006 form. But I'm not allowed to daydream about the possibility that Devin Brown could return to his 2006 form. In 2006, as a midseason pick-up playing as an emergency point guard for the Hornets, Brown was good. He was athletic, a rebounder and decent shooter, capable defender and passer, a solid and versatile all-around player who was great at nothing, but contributed at everything. That's not what he is now, of course; the athleticism has gone, and the shot, which was never very good, has gotten worse. He now can't defend, run the court or drive, and resorts to casting up bad 3's.

I'm not saying I want Devin back with the Bulls. I'm just saying the McGrady pipe dream is a hypocrisy. Tracy, after all, lost a lot more than Devin ever did.

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May 20, 2010

Young players don't usually sign one year minimum salary deals. Veterans almost always do, because teams have financial incentive to do so. Teams who sign players with more than two years of experience to sign one year minimum salary deals are billed only the amount of a two year veteran; for example, when Chicago signed Lindsey Hunter to a one year minimum salary deal this past offseason, they were billed only $825,497 for his services. The minimum salary for a ten year or more veteran is actually $1,306,455, and Hunter got all that; however, only $825,497 is charged to the Bulls cap, and the league refunds the difference between the two sums to the Bulls during the following offseason. This is why most old farts only sign one year minimum deals, and, on the rare occasions that they don't - Eric Piatkowski with Phoenix, Devin Brown with Nawlins, Calvin Booth with Philadelphia - it's usually a mistake.

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