Players > Deceased > Lorenzen Wright
Lorenzen Wright
C - 6'11, 255lbs - 48 years old - 13 years of NBA experience
Deceased - Died July 2010
  • Birthdate: 11/04/1975
  • Drafted (NBA): 7th pick, 1996
  • Pre-draft team: Memphis
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Lorenzen Wright

July 24, 2010

Per this story from George Brown of, former NBA big man Lorenzen Wright has gone missing.

The family of Lorenzen Wright says he's been missing since Sunday.

Wright's sister, Savia Archie, says her family is very concerned.

Archie said, Wright was last seen on sunday when he was expected to fly out of Memphis, but no one has heard from him since.

The family has filed a missing persons with the Collierville police department.

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June 2, 2010

- Lorenzen Wright

After a lengthy and well paid NBA career came to an end in the summer, Wright went for tryouts for multiple teams in China. However, he was unable to secure a contract offer, and stayed on the shelf. In January, Wright was signed by Syrian team Al Jalaa to replace another ex-NBA big, Zendon Hamilton, who had suffered an injury. However, Wright never made it to Syria on time due to a car accident; it is unclear (to me at least) whether he ever played for the team, but he certainly wasn't with them during the recent Asian Club Championships.

Wright's other newsworthy contribution recently was when he sold his house in Memphis to Warriors guard Monta Ellis, fuelling speculation that the Grizzlies might be lining up a deal for him. The Grizzlies subsequently denied this, although if I were them, I wouldn't rule it out completely. Although it would sure be nice to have Marko Jaric's expiring contract right now.

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