Phil Carr – 2018-19 G-League Player Profile
June 20th, 2019

Phil Carr
SF/PF – 6’8, 200lbs – Born 20th October 1995
Canton Charge 
Although his first professional season started off with a one-day contract with the New York Knicks in order to get him allocated to Westchester, Carr was waived out of the Knicks organisation altogether when Westchester cut him as well in early January. While the Knicks liked the potential they saw him as a face-up four, they also saw the rawness within him, rawness also on show in his 13 games with Canton.
At his core, Carr is a face-up four who shoots a lot of mid-range jump shots that have the potential to be turned into three-pointers. His handle is loose, and he wisely does not much of that; instead, long and agile, Carr tries to get jumpers away through pick-and-pops as much as he can. He will also cut and roll to the rim, although any finish other than the dunk is a tad unreliable.
On the defensive end, Carr won his conference DPOY award as a junior. That conference was the MEAC, which is not exactly replete with 6’8/6’9 athletes with recovery speed, so he had an advantage over the field there. Nevertheless, Carr has good shot blocking timing when in position, and he potentially has the ability to defend stretch fours like himself on the perimeter.
At the pro level, though, Carr’s relative inexperience exposed his shortcomings. Defensively, he was often out of position and fouled on the recovery, while offensively, he simply did not make enough shots. Carr needs strength and skills reps on the court, and more court time in order to slow him down. If it all comes together, he is the right sort of player for modern basketball. As of right now, though, he has a long way to go.
– 20th June, 2019
- This above is extracted from the following page in the The Basketball Manifesto, an entirely free 3,775 page, 1.2 million word-ish basketball reference book which contains reviews, strategies, ideas, opinions, and a whole lot of scouting on men’s world basketball.

– View tons more player profiles like this from the Manifesto here.