Complete History Of NBA Luxury Tax Payments, 2001-2015
July 9th, 2015
This website and its sole proprietor keep a spreadsheet containing to-the-dollar information on all luxury tax paid to date, updated annually. Here is the latest update.
In the 14 seasons since the luxury tax was created, it has been applicable in twelve seasons; in twelve eleven seasons, 26 NBA franchises have paid over $1.1 billion in payroll excess. The exact details can be found here.

NBA All-Time Luxury Tax Payers – sorted alphabetically (click to expand)

NBA All-Time Luxury Tax Payers – sorted by expenditure (click to expand)
(Orange cells denote the team that won the championship that year.)
Please use the spreadsheet freely for resource purposes, and feel equally free to suggest any improvements. However, please do not just take it, and if you do cite its data somewhere, please acknowledge its source. While the content is not my IP, I did spend a long time sourcing the relevant information, and in return, I seek only credit and a few page hits for that. Thank you.