Players > Retired > Doron Sheffer
Doron Sheffer
PG - 6'5, 185lbs - 52 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired in 2008
  • Birthdate: 12/11/1972
  • Drafted (NBA): 36th pick, 1996
  • Pre-draft team: Connecticut
  • Country: Israel
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Doron Sheffer

June 29, 2017

Doron Sheffer - 36th pick, 1996
Very long since retired.

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March 19, 2013

Doron Sheffer - Sheffer has been coaching youth basketball since 2009, and the answer to what he's doing now can be found here. (Probably.)

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April 2, 2011

Doron Sheffer (36th pick, 1996)

- Sheffer has already retired from the professional game four times, including once due to cancer. Now aged 39, he is a youth basketball coach in Jerusalem, and also a part-time lecturer on the virtues of Judaism. There won't be a fourth comeback and a fifth retirement.

Chances of making the NBA expressed as an arbitrary percentage: 0%

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April 21, 2010

- Doron Sheffer

Former Clippers draft pick Doron Sheffer never left Israel during his professional career. Despite three years at UConn, Sheff returned to Israel after being drafted, and spent the next twelve years playing for teams called either Maccabi or Hapoel. His career finished in 2008 when he retired for the fourth time; Sheffer first retired in 2000 when he was diagnosed with cancer, returned a couple of years later, played three more years, retired in 2005 preseason, returned a couple of months later to play the rest of the 2005-06 season, retired at the end of the season, missed a year, unretired to play the 2007-08 season, then retired for good at the end of it. Or so it seems. Now 37, Sheffer coaches youth basketball in his home country.

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