Players > Retired > Nick Van Exel
Nick Van Exel
PG/SG - 6'1, 195lbs - 53 years old - 13 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2007 season
  • Birthdate: 11/27/1971
  • Drafted (NBA): 37th pick, 1993
  • Pre-draft team: Cincinnati
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Left
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Nick Van Exel

March 19, 2013

Nick Van Exel - Now into his third years as a Player Development Instructor for the Hawks. More newsworthy in recent times was his son, who was sentenced to 60 years in jail in February for murder.

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April 19, 2011

Nick Van Exel - Van Exel resigned his assistant's position at Texas Southern university in the summer to take a position with the Atlanta Hawks as a player development instructor. He made the news for all the wrong reasons in December when his son, also called Nick Van Exel, confessed to accidentally killing his best friend, and is now charged with murder.

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May 18, 2010

- Nick Van Exel

This one shouldn't take as long. Nickey Maxwell Van Exel retired after the 2005-06 season and is now an assistant at Texas Southern University, as is another ex-NBA player, Vin Baker.

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December 11, 2009

- 37th pick: Nick Van Exel (L.A. Lakers)

- Van Exel last played in the NBA in the 2005-06 season with the Spurs. He was largely past it by that time, averaging only 5.5 points and 1.9 assists in that season, but his career averages of 14.4 points and 6.6 assists in 880 career games destroy most of the rest of this list. He is now an assistant coach at Texas Southern.

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