Players > Retired > Malik Rose
Malik Rose
PF - 6'7, 255lbs - 50 years old - 13 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2009 season
  • Birthdate: 11/23/1974
  • Drafted (NBA): 44th pick, 1996
  • Pre-draft team: Drexel
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Malik Rose

March 19, 2013

Malik Rose - Now a broadcaster for the Philadelphia 76ers.

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April 19, 2011

Malik Rose - Rose does TV work for the Spurs, sometimes as an analyst, sometimes as a colour commentator.

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April 17, 2010

- Malik Rose

Malik Rose is also now working in television. He is not officially retired and has not ruled out playing again, but after his contract expired this summer, Rose was unable to get another NBA contract. Knowing that this was probably it, he went into other ventures, opening a gourmet Italian restaurant in San Antonio and doing pre-game analysis on Knicks games for the MSG network. Rose was also the colour commentator for the Austin Toros, the first year that Toros games have been televised.

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