Players > Retired > Rashad McCants
Rashad McCants
SG - 6'4, 215lbs - 39 years old - 4 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2018 season
  • Birthdate: 09/25/1984
  • Drafted (NBA): 14th pick, 2005
  • Pre-draft team: North Carolina
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Rashad McCants

January 5, 2011

Rashad McCants - McCants's employment situation is unclear. He signed very late in training camp with the Dallas Mavericks, apparently believing that he had a legitimate chance of making the team. The Mavericks, however, seemed to believe they were signing McCants purely so that when he later went to the D-League, he would be automatically assigned to their self-owned affiliate, the Texas Legends. This is eventually what happened, yet McCants did not report immediately as he pursued other NBA offers, and when he finally did, he left after only three games to allegedly go and sign in China with Liaoning. However, Liaoning eventually settled upon former Hawks swingman Donta Smith instead, so McCants is now once again in limbo, being neither with the Mavericks, the Legends or the Panpan Hunters. Somewhere amidst it all, McCants committed to giving his D-League salary away to charity.

In the three games he played for Texas, McCants averaged 12.3 points in 18.7 minutes per game. He certainly has the ability to get back into the NBA. But as ever, that isn't really the point.

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December 15, 2010

It is not a surefire thing that any ex-NBA talent can just bowl up and play there. Some, like Chris Hunter, don't want to, declining the big Chinese monies in favour of a tiny D-League one on the presumption and/or gamble that a midseason NBA call-up might be forthcoming. And a good many more tried and failed - players to have tried out for a spot in China this summer include, but are not limited to, Eddie Gill, Patrick O'Bryant, Will Conroy, Ronald Murray, Rashad McCants and Rafer Alston. In recent years, the CBA has become an even more attractive place to play, and thus has been able to become pickier.

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November 15, 2010

Rashad McCants and Sean Williams were other former NBA players allocated to the Legends roster - the Mavericks-owned affiliate seems to have a clear MO only a few months into their existence.

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July 30, 2010

Rashad McCants - Rather than trying to describe the Rashad McCants situation, I'll let this article do it. The article tries really hard to make McCants seem like a sympathetic figure, a man whose not faultless but who never got a fair chance. But it really doesn't invoke much sympathy.

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July 17, 2010

Rashad McCants

Rather than trying to describe the Rashad McCants situation, I'll let this article do it. The article tries really hard to make McCants seem like a sympathetic figure, a man whose not faultless but who never got a fair chance. But it really doesn't invoke much sympathy.

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April 8, 2010

- Rashad McCants

McCants went unsigned this summer and has remained so ever since. It was reported that the Rockets had signed him for training camp, and they had intended to, but McCants failed his physical and it never happened. That was back in October, and there has been no news to report since then.

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