Players > Retired > Chas McFarland
Chas McFarland
C - 7'0, 245lbs - 37 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired in 2015
  • Birthdate: 11/01/1986
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2010
  • Pre-draft team: Wake Forest
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
9th August, 2010BrazilSigned a one year contract with Vivo/Franca.
10th November, 2010BrazilReleased by Vivo/Franca.
6th December, 2010D-LeagueAcquired by Springfield Armor.
31st January, 2011D-LeagueWaived by Springfield Armor due to injury.
9th March, 2011D-LeagueRe-acquired by Springfield Armor.
2nd April, 2011D-LeagueWaived by Springfield Armor due to injury.
9th September, 2011JapanSigned with Yokohama B-Corsairs.
15th September, 2012UruguaySigned a one year contract with Aguada.
17th September, 2012UruguaySigning cancelled by Aguada.
8th October, 2012UruguaySigned a one year contract with Bohemios,
31st October, 2012UruguayLeft Bohemios.
1st November, 2012D-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Springfield Armor.
3rd January, 2013D-LeagueWaived by Springfield Armor.
5th February, 2013D-LeagueAcquired by Texas Legends.
22nd April, 2013ABASigned for the remainder of the season with North Dallas Vandals.
25th July, 2013JapanSigned a one year contract with Akita Happinets.
Career Moves
2006 - 2010Wake Forest (NCAA)
July 2010Houston Rockets (Summer League)
August 2010 - November 2010Vivo/Franca (Brazil)
December 2010 - April 2011Springfield Armor (D-League)
September 2011 - June 2012Yokohama B-Corsairs (Japan, BJ League)
September 2012Aguada (Uruguay)
October 2012Bohemios (Uruguay)
November 2012 - January 2013Springfield Armor (D-League)
February 2013 - April 2013Texas Legends (D-League)
April 2013 - June 2013North Dallas Vandals (ABA)
July 2013 - June 2014Akita Northern Happinets (Japan, BJ League)
Articles about Chas McFarland

July 14, 2010

Chas McFarland

McFarland has been starting at centre for Wake Forest, where his primary role on the team is to be really, really annoying. This is meant as a compliment, and will no doubt be interpreted as one by people who long for basketball's more physical eras; Chas (pronounced Chase) is a physical and (some might say) a dirty player. He is a willing antagonist and compelling protagonist, who'll grab a few rebounds and push people around rather than try to keep up with them. He doesn't have much offensive talent, however, save for some finishes around the basket and an awesome spin move from the top of the arc that I have seen on more than one occasion. (That is to say, I've seen it twice.)

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