Players > Retired > Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward
PG - 6'2, 185lbs - 53 years old - 11 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired in 2005
  • Birthdate: 10/12/1970
  • Drafted (NBA): 26th pick, 1994
  • Pre-draft team: Florida State
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Charlie Ward

March 19, 2013

Charlie Ward - Ward has been the head football coach at Westbury Christian high school in Texas for several years, and is also a part of the school's development team.

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April 19, 2011

Charlie Ward - Upon retirement from basketball, Ward returned to his other passion - football. He is now the boy's head football coach at Westbury Christian School in Texas. He also worked for a time as a football coach with HOPE worldwide Kenya, a charity that aims to improve quality of life in Kenya. Both of these organisations are steeped in Christianity.

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May 29, 2010

- Charlie Ward

Charlie Ward retired in 2004, and briefly became an assistant coach with the Rockets. However, he left that gig, and has instead found a place and a job that caters to his three biggest passions in life; basketball, American football and Christianity. Ward is now the head football coach at Westbury Christian School in Houston, Texas, as well as an assistant coach on the basketball team.

Question: if you were to ask Charlie Ward whether he regrets turning down an NFL career for his decent if underwhelming NBA career, what would he say? Genuinely intrigued by that.

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