Players > Grand Rapids Gold > Amida Brimah
Amida Brimah
C - 6'10, 230lbs - 30 years old - 1 years of NBA experience
Grand Rapids Gold - In the G-League player pool
  • Birthdate: 02/11/1994
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2017
  • Pre-draft team: Connecticut
  • Country: Ghana
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: Daniel Hazan (Hazan Sports)
25th September, 2017NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with San Antonio.
12th October, 2017NBAWaived by San Antonio.
23rd October, 2017G-LeagueDesignated as an allocated player by Austin Spurs.
11th April, 2018SerbiaSigned for the remainder of the season with Partizan Belgrade.
17th September, 2018NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with San Antonio.
20th September, 2018NBAWaived by San Antonio.
3rd October, 2018AustraliaSigned a one game contract with Perth Wildcats.
22nd October, 2018G-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Austin Spurs.
Career Moves
2013 - 2017Connecticut (NCAA)
July 2017Chicago Bulls (Summer League)
September 2017 - October 2017San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
October 2017 - April 2018Austin Spurs (G-League)
April 2018 - June 2018Partizan Belgrade (Serbia)
July 2018San Antonio Spurs (Summer League)
September 2018San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
October 2018Perth Wildcats (Australia)
October 2018 - presentAustin Spurs (G-League)
Articles about Amida Brimah