Players > Free agent > Adonis Thomas
Adonis Thomas
SF - 6'6, 232lbs - 31 years old - 1 years of NBA experience
Free agent - Signed with Krka
  • Birthdate: 03/25/1993
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2013
  • Pre-draft team: Memphis
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: Unknown
30th September, 2013NBASigned a partially guaranteed two year minimum salary contract with Atlanta.
14th October, 2013NBAWaived by Atlanta.
18th October, 2013NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with Brooklyn.
26th October, 2013NBAWaived by Brooklyn.
31st October, 2013D-LeagueDesignated as an allocated player by Springfield Armor.
25th February, 2014NBASigned a 10 day contract with Orlando.
7th March, 2014NBASigned a second 10 day contract with Orlando.
17th March, 2014D-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Springfield Armor.
7th April, 2014NBASigned a guaranteed minimum salary contract for the remainder of the season with Philadelphia.
3rd September, 2014NBASigned a partially guaranteed two year minimum salary contract with Indiana.
25th October, 2014NBAWaived by Indiana.
30th October, 2014D-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Grand Rapids Drive (formerly Springfield Armor).
23rd July, 2015NBASigned a partially guaranteed two year minimum salary contract with Detroit.
22nd October, 2015NBAWaived by Detroit.
2nd November, 2015D-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Grand Rapids Drive.
4th December, 2015D-LeagueWaived by Grand Rapids Drive.
18th August, 2016ItalySigned a one year contract with Avellino.
19th July, 2017TurkeySigned a one year contract with Banvit.
23rd August, 2017D-LeagueDrafted 23rd overall in the 2017 D-League Expansion Draft by Memphis Hustle.
Career Moves
2011 - 2013Memphis (NCAA)
July 2013Atlanta Hawks (Summer League)
September 2013 - October 2013Atlanta Hawks (NBA)
October 2013Brooklyn Nets (NBA)
October 2013 - February 2014Springfield Armor (D-League)
February 2014 - March 2014Orlando Magic (NBA)
March 2014 - April 2014Springfield Armor (D-League)
April 2014 - June 2014Philadelphia 76ers (NBA)
July 2014Brooklyn Nets (Summer League)
July 2014Philadelphia 76ers (Summer League)
September 2014 - October 2014Indiana Pacers (NBA)
October 2014 - June 2015Grand Rapids Drive (D-League)
July 2015Detroit Pistons (Summer League)
July 2015 - October 2015Detroit Pistons (NBA)
November 2015 - December 2015Grand Rapids Drive (D-League)
August 2016 - June 2017Avellino (Italy)
July 2017 - presentBanvit (Turkey)
Articles about Adonis Thomas