Players > Retired > Ryan Hollins
Ryan Hollins
C - 7'0, 240lbs - 39 years old - 10 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2017 season
  • Birthdate: 10/10/1984
  • Drafted (NBA): 50th pick, 2006
  • Pre-draft team: UCLA
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Ryan Hollins

August 12, 2010

When San Antonio do it, it's "shrewd." When Memphis do it, it is "cheap," and representative of a moribund franchise that needs contracting. This is the prevailing attitude born out of a desire to disparage the Grizzlies at every juncture, symptomatic of a wider problem of favouritism for certain executives by certain media. For example; Daryl Morey is a vastly superior general manager to David Kahn, but why did the very similar mistake signings of Ryan Hollins and David Andersen, and their subsequent correcting trades, get different levels of press? Because Morey is good and Kahn is bad, thus Morey's mistakes are all minor while Kahn's are all major. There's an element of truth to that logic, yet it is all overblown.

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