Players > Retired > Cheikh Samb
Cheikh Samb
C - 7'1, 245lbs - 39 years old - 2 years of NBA experience
Retired - Retired after 2017 season
  • Birthdate: 10/22/1984
  • Drafted (NBA): 51st pick, 2006
  • Pre-draft team: WTC Cornella (Spain)
  • Country: Senegal
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: -
To be completed
Career Moves
To be completed
Articles about Cheikh Samb

November 15, 2010

11th: - Sioux Falls Skyforce - Cheikh Samb, Senegal

Samb is a former draft pick of the Pistons who, at the time of his drafting (2006), measured 7'1 and 195lbs. He was drafted as a long term project, who needed to develop his frame (obviously) as well as his skills. The Piston then brought him over to the NBA a year later, yet a two year NBA odyssey saw stints with 4 teams (Detroit, Denver, L.A. Clippers, New York) saw absolutely no production. Samb spent a month with Real Madrid last year, but disappointed and didn't earn a longer term contract, and while he went to summer league with the Raptors this year, he fouled 17 times in 49 minutes. Samb is athletic, a good shotblocker, an interested rebounder, and a pretty good jumpshooter; however, he's now 26, and a lack of stable employment in his professional season hasn't helped his development, which hasn't gone according to plan. The D-League is the best place for him right now.

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July 11, 2010

Cheikh Samb

Former Pistons draft pick Samb was drafted in 2006 as a long term project. He joined the Pistons one year later on a two year contract, and played 31 minutes in his rookie season. In his second season, Samb started a long journey, starting out with the Pistons, he was sent to Denver as salary filler in the Allen Iverson trade, salary dumped by the Nuggets onto the Clippers a few weeks later, then waived by the Clippers to open up a roster spot for the similarly salary dumped Alex Acker, and finally picked up by the Knicks for a few days at the end of the season.

In his time across those four teams, Samb had a true shooting percentage of .214%. Not important, just interesting.

Samb started this year unsigned, then went to Real Madrid on a one month contract as emergency injury cover. He played in only one game, recording only two minutes, before leaving when his contract expired. He then did not play again; while he went for a tryout in Latvia with VEF Riga in early February, they couldn't get him a work visa, and Samb left without playing. He was drafted out of the LEB Gold as a rail thin athlete and shot blocker with a fledgling jumpshot, whom Detroit were hoping could quickly develop every other facet of the game. But he didn't, and he turns 26 in October.

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April 19, 2010

- Cheikh Samb

Samb's only contract this year was a one month deal with Real Madrid back in October. He played in only one game and played only 2 minutes. He went for a tryout in Latvia with VEF Riga in early February, but they couldn't get him a work visa. Samb remains unsigned.

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